An original print by Richard Avedon (1923-2004). The subject was Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), an iconic American actress and pop culture icon of the 1950s. Monroe was photographed at Avedon's studio in May 1957. He recalled, "She would dance and sing and flirt for hours, doing Marilyn Monroe things. Then she got depressed. Then the night came, the white wine was gone, the dancing was over, and she lost it all and sat in the corner like a child. I saw her sitting there, expressionless and silent, and walked over to her, but I didn't take a picture without her knowing. Then I got closer with my camera and realized she hadn't said no." The portrait of the actress with her melancholy expression contrasts with the bright and cheerful image that made her a sought-after sex symbol, and created a rare moment of insight into her inner world. Signed on the back of the print.
撮影年 photographed year:1957
プリント年 printed year:unknown
印画紙サイズ paper size:H378×W300mm
イメージサイズ image size:H354×W275mm
フレームサイズ frame size:H493×W415mm
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.