This photo book was published to coincide with the 1995 film "Kids" directed by photographer Larry Clark. The first half of the book is made up of photos selected from the film, and the second half contains the film's screenplay. It is also known for starring Chloe Sevigny. This book comes with a rare handmade wraparound band(obi) from Charles E. Tuttle, a bookstore that used to sell foreign books in Jimbocho.
監督:ラリー・クラーク(Larry Clark)
脚本:ハーモニー・コリン(Harmony Korine)
ブックデザイン:Eric Baker Design Associates
出版社 publisher:Faber and Faber
刊行年 year:1995 First Edition
ページ数 pages:150
サイズ size:H180×W206mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙少傷み/Slightly damaged on the cover.