A common mistake for photographers who work primarily in commercial photography is to put off publishing their own photo books. They get lost in the routine of their daily work, and before they know it, their careers are in the latter stages. It would be good if they could summarize their trajectory at this point, but most of them will return to the rough seas of commercial photography. Kazumi Kurigami is also a photographer who does not produce many photo books, but this book is a little different from the compilations of his previous works. Divided into two volumes, one in color and one in monochrome, the blurry and out-of-focus photos taken with a small, toy-like monocular camera make it impossible not to feel some kind of message. This is the work of art director Tsuguya Inoue in the 1980s. The typeset text gives a sense of the era and is just the right amount of comfort. There is a signature dedication to a certain art director.
出版社 publisher:パルコ出版/PARCO
刊行年 year:1984
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H282×W220mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー、ソフトカバー/hardcover, softcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、帯、別紙解説/slip case, wraparound band, text sheet
状態 condition:帯欠け。献呈署名あり。/damaged on the wraparound band, dedication signature.