This is the 10th issue of the Tricot Comme des Garcons catalogue from 1984. It uses Yupo, a synthetic paper made from paper and plastic that was rarely used in publications at the time (it is now used for election ballots). The photograph was taken by fashion photography master Paolo Roversi, the stylist was Yamazaki Mako, and the layout was by Murata Tohji (1944-1987). The photo features a striking female model with short hair. Incidentally, at this time, Kawakubo Rei herself was still the designer.
写真:Paolo Roversi
スタイリスト:Mako Yamazaki(山崎真子)
モデル:Lucy, Claire
出版社 publisher:コムデギャルソン/COMME des GARCONS Co., Ltd.
刊行年 year:15 October 1984
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H364×W256mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.