The 77th issue of the Comme des Garcons catalogue from 1982. The photograph was taken by Peter Lindbergh (1944-2019), the stylist was Mako Yamazaki, and the art director was Toji Murata (1942-1986). The black knitted sweaters with holes that were shown at the Paris Collection at the time were heavily criticized as shabby. This was the look that represented the brand in the 1980s, and was part of a period that would later be called the "shock of black."
写真:Peter Lindbergh
スタイリスト:Mako Yamazaki(山崎真子)
ヘア&メイクアップ:Ray Allington(mod's hair)
モデル:Linda, Nancy, Katoucha
出版社 publisher:コムデギャルソン/COMME des GARCONS Co., Ltd.
刊行年 year: 8 April 1982
ページ数 pages:6 plates
サイズ size:H363×W257mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
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状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.