The 63rd issue of the Comme des Garcons catalogue from 1980. The photographer was Daiho Yoshida, the stylist was Yumiko Hara, the art director was Tohji Murata (1942-1986), and the hair and makeup was done by Tetsuya Tamura of Mod's Hair. The black silhouettes that barely reveal the details of the clothes are memorable. This was the period before the brand's participation in Paris Fashion Week, just before the "shock of black."
出版社 publisher:コムデギャルソン/COMME des GARCONS Co., Ltd
刊行年 year: 5 November 1980
ページ数 pages:5 plates
サイズ size:H363×W256mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
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状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.