デルタモンドの宮原鉄生を父に持ち、10代後半から写真を志した宮原夢画の写真集。これまで二十数年にわたって様々な事柄に出会い、何かしら感じた音を拾い上げ撮り続けた、本書はその集成。日本製の本としては珍しいクロス装に写真を印刷した造本。ブックデザインは原耕一、編集は現Super Labo主宰のホウキヤスノリ。
This is a photo collection by Miyahara Muga, whose father is Miyahara Tetsuo of Deltamond, and who has been a photographer since his late teens. This book is a compilation of his encounters with various things over the past 20 years, picking up sounds that he felt, and photographing them. The photos are printed on cloth binding, which is rare for a Japanese book. The book was designed by Hara Koichi, and edited by Hoki Yasunori, the current head of Super Labo.
編集:Yasunori Hoki
ブックデザイン:Kouichi Hara
限定800部発行:Limited edition of 800 copies
出版社 publisher:Omoplata
刊行年 year:2014
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H276×W217 mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.