This is the 12th issue of the Comme des Garcons Homme catalogue from 1983. The photographer was Sawatari Hajime, the stylist was Hara Yumiko, and the art director was Murata Toji (1942-1986). The models were the textile researcher Matsushita Hiroshi, who supported the fabric production of Comme des Garcons, the photographer Takanashi Yutaka, and the painter G.K. Kamitaki. The selection of these unique people is interesting. Incidentally, the logo at that time had a large "HOMME" on it, so it is now called "Deca Homme" in Japanese.
出版社 publisher:コムデギャルソン/COMME des GARCONS Co., Ltd
刊行年 year: 10 February 1983
ページ数 pages:3 plates
サイズ size:H363×W257mm
フォーマット format:無綴じ/unbound
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.