"OSSU" is a photozine about men. Each issue is based on a single theme and features photo essays, drawings, collages, and other works by various participants, regardless of sexuality, focusing on male portraits. The concept is to show a positive perspective of the honest image of men that has never been seen before. This is the commemorative first issue. The cover was designed by Aaron Nieh, a designer representing Taiwan.
花代 Hanayo
Fumiko Imano
霧島透 Toru Kirishima
ミヤギフトシ Futoshi Miyagi
森栄喜 Eiki Mori
竹之内祐幸 Hiroyuki Takenouchi
デザイン:Aaron Nieh
限定1000部:Limited edition of 1000 copies
出版社 publisher:
刊行年 year:2011
ページ数 pages:80
サイズ size:H200×W140mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.