The photographs in this book were found by Tacita Dean at flea markets across Europe and the United States. These portraits, holiday snapshots, and records of ordinary events and spectacular landscapes are given new life through her perspective. Although the anonymity of the flea market is preserved, here they are rescued as works of art. This is a signed edition of 4,000 copies, and it must have been a lot of work for the photographer to sign every single book.
コラボレーション:Martyn Ridgewell
4000部発行ナンバー入り:Signed Limited Edition of 4,000 copies
出版社 publisher:Steidl
刊行年 year:2001
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H311×W255 mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:函/slip case
状態 condition:経年並みです。サインあり。/good, signed.