This is the 11th issue of the Tricot Comme des Garcons catalogue from 1985. The photographs were taken by Pamela Hanson. The magazine used "Yupo," a synthetic paper made of paper and plastic that was rarely used in books at the time (it is now used for election ballots). The layout, with contact prints shifted by frame, is dynamic and interesting. Incidentally, Rei Kawakubo herself still designed at this time.
写真:Pamela Hanson
ヘア:Yannick Harrouet
メイクアップ:Cindy Joseph
出版社 publisher:コムデギャルソン/COMME des GARCONS Co., Ltd
刊行年 year:15 January 1985
ページ数 pages:6 plates
サイズ size:H364×W256mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙少ヨゴレ。/slightly damaged on the cover.