メキシコ写真界を代表する巨匠マヌエル・アルバレス・ブラボ(Manuel Alvarez Bravo 1902-2002)の没後初の決定版写真集。都市や田舎の暮らし、静物、ヌード、宗教や世俗生活、ポートレイトなど、メキシコの風土に根ざした詩情豊かな作品世界を、初期から最晩年まで、未発表作品を含む370余点の写真を収録。
The first definitive photo book after the death of Manuel Alvarez Bravo (1902-2002), a great figure representing the Mexican photography world. Contains over 370 photographs, including unpublished works, from his earliest years to his later years, depicting urban and rural life, still life, nudes, religion and secular life, portraits, and other poetic works rooted in the Mexican climate. .
出版社 publisher:岩波書店/Iwanami Shoten
刊行年 year:2011 first edition
ページ数 pages:336
サイズ size:H274×W292mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/部分的に英文と西文-Japanese/English and Spanish in some parts
付属品 attachment:函、帯、カバー/slip case, wraparound band, dust jacket.
状態 condition:函、帯少汚れ。/slightly damaged on the slip case and wraparound band.