Launched in 1968 with Koji Taki, Takuma Nakahira, Yutaka Takanashi, and Takahiko Okada as its members, the legendary doujinshi "
PROVOKE" was disbanded, leaving only three issues and one book as a compilation. This book is a catalog for a large-scale exhibition that traveled around the world from 2016 to 2017. A big book with a thickness of 4.5 cm.
編集:Diane Dufour, Matthew Witkovsky
出版社 publisher:Steidl
刊行年 year:2016
ページ数 pages:680
サイズ size:H250×W191mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:英文/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:良好です。/very good.