A collection of works by Eiko Ishioka (1938-2012), a leading Japanese designer and art director. In 1980, as if to inspire herself as she felt she was in a rut, she moved to New York, saying, "I want to start over from scratch." After spending 15 months recharging her batteries, this book is a comprehensive summary of her work to date. It includes a wide range of her work, including advertising work for Parco, posters, book design, and the direction of Issey Miyake fashion shows. At the end of the book, Ishioka herself talks about her work, making this a highly informative book. A signed copy of the book, dedicated to the advertising manager of a certain company. As a bonus, it comes with a guide to the Eiko Ishioka exhibition held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo in 2020. Dust jacket is missing.
出版社 publisher:求龍堂/Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co., Ltd.
刊行年 year:1983
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H348×W302mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:展覧会ガイド一枚(2020年)/an exhibition guide(2020)
状態 condition:献呈署名あり。表紙汚れ。/damaged on the cover, inscribed copy.