This book is a collection of works by French painter Bernard Buffet. It is also a catalog raisonné that covers all of his works from 1943 to 1981 in two volumes. The author, art historian Yann Le Pichon, has collected 920 reproductions of Buffet's oil paintings, watercolors, drawings, drypoints, and lithographs. Almost all of these works are reproduced in color.
著者:Yann le Pichon
出版社 publisher:Maurice Garnier
刊行年 year:1990 second edition
ページ数 pages:548+608
サイズ size:H312×W258mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language : 仏文/French
付属品 attachment:函,カバー/slip case,dust jacket
状態 condition:函少傷み。/slightly damaged on the slip case.