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A collection of photographs by the photographer Shinpei Yamagami. A collection of works presented at the world's largest photo fair "PARIS PHOTO" in November 2022. It consists of 64 photographs of the sea and waves of Kamakura, his birthplace and current residence. The rough and abstract surface of the waves evokes the viewer's innate, true vision. Book design and editing by Satoshi Machiguchi. There are two types of covers, and this is the wave edition. Signed.
¥Ç¥¶¥¤¥ó¡§ÀõÅÄÇÀ¡¢À¶¿å¼ÓÎÉ(MATCH and Company., Ltd.)
À½ËÜ¡§Brocade Bookbinding Co., Ltd.
½ÐÈÇ¼Ò publisher¡§book shop M Co., Ltd.
´©¹Ôǯ year¡§2022
¥Ú¡¼¥¸¿ô pages¡§88
¥µ¥¤¥º size¡§H327¡ßW242mm
¥Õ¥©¡¼¥Þ¥Ã¥È format¡§¥½¥Õ¥È¥«¥Ð¡¼/softcover
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ÉÕ°ÉÊ attachment¡§È¡/slip case
¾õÂÖ condition¡§¿·ÉÊ¡£¥µ¥¤¥ó¤¢¤ê¡£/new, signed.