A collection of poems by Mitsuru Nishikawa (1908-1999), one of the literary figures in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era. It was published by Bungei Taiwansha, which is the same publication as "Bungei Taiwan", as a private edition limited edition of 500 poems. At the time of publication, it was during the war and there was a shortage of supplies such as paper, but Nishikawa sent a letter to the editor saying, "Make a luxurious book." However, when the content reached the Chief of the Security Division of the Police Department and confused him, he decided to change the idea. A strange book with a double-layered box with a title made of thick recycled paper, and the cover is decorated with a hawk flying on a woodblock print with Japanese paper attached to the recycled paper. Recycled paper is used for the text, and simple saddle stitching is used for binding using a twist instead of thread. Book designed by Nishikawa himself. signed copy.
限定500部ナンバー入り:Limited Edition of 500 copies with numbering
出版社 publisher:文藝臺灣社/Bungei Taiwan-sha
刊行年 year:1943
ページ数 pages:66
サイズ size:H195×W140mm
フォーマット format:紙こより中綴じ/saddle stitched by paper string
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函(二重)/double case.
状態 condition:経年並みです。サインあり。/good, signed.