写真家・福田勝治(1899-1991)は1936年にアサヒカメラ誌上で「カメラ診断 人物写真の分析」の連載コラムの機会を得た。「眼」から始まって「鼻」、「口」、「手」、「脚」、「全身ポーズ」と「部分的な見方と写し方」を豊富な作例写真をつけて論じるという、これまでにないタイプのユニークな写真撮影法のコラムはたちまち読者の支持を得て、彼は一躍人気写真家となった。そんな中で出版された本書は、女性のさまざまな姿態を撮影した100枚の写真に解説をつけたもの。モデルには原節子(1920-2015)や入江たか子(1911-1995)などの美人女優も含まれていたこともあって爆発的な売上を記録したそうである。翌年1938年には堀野正雄(1907-2000)が『
Photographer Katsuji Fukuda (1899-1991) had the opportunity to appear in the Asahi Camera magazine in 1936 as a serial column for "Analysis of portraits of camera diagnoses." Starting with the "eyes" and discussing "nose", "mouth", "hands", "legs", "whole body poses" and "partial perspectives" with abundant sample photos, An unprecedented column of unique photography quickly gained the support of his readers and he quickly became a popular photographer. The book, published in such a situation, is an introduction to 100 photographs of various female appearances. The model also included beautiful actresses such as Setsuko Hara (1920-2015) and Takako Irie (1911-1995), and it seems to have recorded explosive sales. The following year, in 1938, Masao Horino (1907-2000) wrote "
“ELEGANCE OF WOMEN” Imagine what influence this book had in light of the fact that it published a photography instruction book titled with the exact same design. It's not difficult.
出版社 publisher:アルス/ARS
刊行年 year:1939 10th edition
ページ数 pages:100 plates
サイズ size:H252×W200mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、カバー/slip case, dust jacket.
状態 condition:函、カバー少傷み。扉に蔵印。/slightly damaged on the slip case, no dust jacket, an owner stamp on the half title.