にっぽん劇場写真帖』の装幀を手がけた辰巳四郎(1938-2003)が担当している。モノクロームとカラーを織り交ぜ、緊縛含めた森山大道によるヌード写真は、実に彼らしくない。それもそのはず、当時横尾忠則とニューヨーク行きの旅費を捻出するために引き受けた仕事だというから納得。後に森山自身も「この写真集は俺の本ではない」と断言したほど。帯は半分残った状態での入荷。帯文に記された師・岩宮武二(1920-1989)のコメント「ヒヤヒヤさせる弟子 日本の写真界を混乱させた極悪人」がユーモアに富んでいる。
A nude photo book that can be said to be unique among the many photo books of Daido Moriyama. With the cooperation of Oniroku Dan (1931-2011), Tamiko Nishimura for landscape photography and "
Japan, A Photo Theatre span> ", is in charge. Nude photos by Daido Moriyama, which mixes monochrome and color and includes bondage, are not really like them. That should be that, I am convinced that it was the work I undertook to pay for the travel expenses to Tadanori Yokoo and New York at that time. Moriyama himself later declared, "This photobook is not my book." The obi is in stock with half left. The comment by Takeji Iwamiya (1920-1989), written in the obibun, is rich in humor, "a disciple who makes me sick, a villain who confused the Japanese photography world."
出版社 publlisher:芳賀書店/Hagashoten
刊行年 year:1972
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H263×W185mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:函、帯/slip case, wraparound band.
状態 condition:函、帯半分欠。背開き跡あり。/slightly damaged on the slip case and a half of wraparound band.