Takehiko Nakafuji, a photographer who has been pointing his lens on the streets of Tokyo for a quarter of a century. It was around 2010 that he felt an unfathomable anxiety about Tokyo, a multifaceted metropolis that repeatedly destroys and regenerates. This book is the ongoing chaos of Tokyo, which presents the Great Earthquake of March 11, 2011 as a break. A multi-layered and multi-layered book with a mix of color and monochrome and a full-page modified double-door opening makes you feel as if you are being eroded by the chaos of the city. The idea is reminiscent of Eikoh Hosoe's photo book "
Kamaitachi". It can be said that the concept matches the photograph of Mr. Nakato, who is active in the field in Tokyo. Since the bookbinding uses PUR, it retains sufficient strength and good opening.
編集&アートディレクション:Amanda Ling-Ning Lo
出版社 publisher:禅フォトギャラリー/Zen Foto Gallery
刊行年 year:2018
ページ数 pages:244
サイズ size:H230×W180mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:新品です。/new.