Pamphlet for the play "Crime of Miss Debuko Ohyama" announced in 1967 as the second performance of the avant-garde theater group "Tenjo Sajiki" launched by Shuji Terayama. Tadanori Yokoo is the art director, Makoto Wada is the music, Sakumi Hagiwara is the stage director, Yutaka Higashi is the director, and Issei Suda and Kishin Shinoyama are the photographers. It was a work dedicated to Terayama's favorite actress, Debuko Ohyama, but in fact she was not able to appear, so another performer appeared as Debuko Ohyama. It's a thin pamphlet, but it's worth reading, with photos by Kishin Shinoyama and Issei Suda, and text by Toshio Matsumoto, Suehiro Tanemura, Toko Shinoda, and Yutaka Higashi and others.
対談:ドナルド・リッチ(Donald Richie)、東由多加
出版社 publisher:天井桟敷/Tenjou Sajiki
ページ数 pages:1967
サイズ size:H200×W202mm
フォーマット format:中綴じ/saddle stitch
言語 language:和文/Japanese
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:表紙傷み。/damaged on the cover.