写真家・操上和美の事務所「CAMEL」が発行する雑誌『CAMEL』の創刊準備号0号から2号までの三冊セット。写真と対峙し、挑み、息づかせ、生かされる写真家が語る独特の写真哲学。創刊準備号でもある0号では繰上の初めてとなる映画監督作品「ゼラチンシルバーLOVE」の制作と同時に撮り下ろされた作品を掲載。第1号では元プロ野球選手、清原和博を撮り、第3号では判型が少し小さくなり「Fragments of Desire」というテーマでそれぞれ刊行。造本はすべてマッチアンドカンパニーの町口覚が手掛けている。全冊サインあり。
A set of three books, including the inaugural pre-issues 0 to 2 of the magazine CAMEL, published by photographer Kazumi Kurigami's office CAMEL. The photographer talks about his unique philosophy of photography, as he confronts, challenges, breathes life into, and is made to live by photographs. Issue 0, which is also the inaugural pre-issue, features work shot at the same time as the production of Gelatin Silver LOVE, his first film as a director. Issue 1 features photographs of former professional baseball player Kazuhiro Kiyohara, and issue 3 is a slightly smaller edition with the theme "Fragments of Desire." All art direction is done by Satoshi Machiguchi of Match & Company. All books are signed.
No.0: Gelatin Silver Love
No.1: Kazuhiro Kiyohara(清原和博)
No.2: Fragments of Desire
出版社 publisher:CAMEL
刊行年 year:2009-2010
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H366×W295mm, H320×W260mm
フォーマット format:無綴じ/unbound
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:サインあり。経年並みです。/good, signed.