アメリカの出版社Nazraeli Press(ナツラエリ・プレス)から出版された山本昌男の写真集。極めて小さい古写真のような作品群が大判の版型で、十分すぎるほどの余白の中で凛として収まっている。ここには情報の伝達ではない写真の在り方を探ろうと模索する山本の精神性が感じられる。『
Masao Yamamoto's photo book published by the American publisher Nazraeli Press. A group of very small works resembling old photographs are displayed dignifiedly in a large print format with more than enough blank space. Here you can feel the spirituality of Yamamoto, who explores the way photography should be rather than the transmission of information. All of Nazraeli's photobooks from around this time, such as "
Nakazora" "
Omizuao" and this book, are of a high degree of perfection, and rather than a photobook, they seem to represent his own work.
レイアウト:Reiko Nakajima and Masao Yamamoto
2500部発行:Limited Edition of 2,500 copies
出版社 publisher:Nazraeli Press
刊行年 year:2005 First printing
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H406×W340mm
フォーマット format:ハードカバー/hardcover
言語 language:
付属品 attachment:カバー/dust jacket
状態 condition:見返し少折れ。/slightly damaged on the end paper.