本書は写真家・滝口浩史の妻と妻の家族との数年間の人生を撮影した軌跡。義母の突然の病死、妻の出産、愛猫の死、そして義父の死。繰り返される生と死の輪廻。日常の中で突然開け放たれた境界としての窓。そこへカメラを向けた写真家の深い慈愛に満ちた眼差し。2014年にLittle Big Manから刊行された『窓 SOU』の前身ともいえる私家版。サインあり。
This book is a trace of the life of photographer Koji Takiguchi over the years of his wife and his wife's family. Sudden death of mother-in-law, birth of wife, death of cat, and father-in-law. The cycle of life and death that is repeated. A window as a boundary that was suddenly opened in everyday life. The deep gaze of the photographer who pointed his camera there. A private version that can be said to be the predecessor of "SOU" published by Little Big Man in 2014. Signed
発行部数400ナンバー入り/Limited edition of 400 with numbering
出版社 publisher:私家版/self published
刊行年 year:2008
ページ数 pages:
サイズ size:H256×W210mm
フォーマット format:ソフトカバー/softcover
言語 language:和文/英文-Japanese/English
付属品 attachment:
状態 condition:経年並みです。/good.